Comment hide/delete:

What percentage of your consumers are being taken by your competitors, do you know? Yes, your opponent is still viewing your page and actively commenting on it in private messages. After responding, hide comments so that no one may see them and stop having your customers stolen. Based on keyword matching, you can also hide inappropriate comments.

Multi-media comment reply:

From this point on, you can reply to comments with pictures, gifs, or even videos. Use multimedia to make your comment reply more engaging and useful.

Full page campaigns:

One option can be used for the entire Facebook page to manage like and share campaigns as well as comment and inbox reply campaigns. It's a quick process that uses webhooks.

Tag campaign :

Your comment will be noted to all the commenters, who will then revisit it. Once more appearing in people's feeds and friends of commentators, your post has the potential to go viral.

A notification will be issued to each commenter if you mention them in your reply, which will make it more personalized. Let's say your post received 1,000 comments, and you need to respond to each one, addressing each commenter by name. Just by setting up a simple campaign, you can manage this.